Join us on Saturday, April 29th for a special collaborative meal between @redflowercollective & @libraryofstudy, as we honor food’s potential for lush and sensorial study. What can study through taste and smell help us understand? What might these senses activate inside of us, together and alongside our guiding text?
Once registered for the meal (link in bio), you’ll receive an email with the text of June Jordan’s poem and a few guiding questions for your reflection. We invite guests to consider our shared text and respond through ingredients, tastes, smells and memories. Red Flower Collective & Library of Study will collect participants’ submissions to then curate a menu and library of the responses to enjoy together on the afternoon of April 29th.
The tickets are priced in tiers: $0, $5, & $20. Please be mindful of what you can afford when selecting your ticket option. If you notice that the free/lower priced tickets are sold out and you'd like to request one, please email redflowercollective[at]gmail[dot]com.
**Please also note that this meal has limited capacity, and will center the experiences of women, femmes & non-binary folks**